Sunday 3 April 2016

Hunter College

Seeker College, situated in the heart of Manhattan, is the biggest school in the City University of New York (CUNY). Established in 1870, it is additionally one of the most established open universities in the nation. More than 23,000 understudies right now go to Hunter, seeking after undergrad and graduate degrees in more than 170 regions of study. 

Seeker's understudy body is as various as New York City itself. For over 140 years, Hunter has given instructive chances to ladies and minorities, and today, understudies from each stroll of life and each edge of the world go to Hunter. 

Notwithstanding offering a huge number of scholarly projects in its prestigious School of Arts and Sciences, Hunter offers a wide broadness of projects in its prevalent Schools of Education, Nursing, Social Work, Health Professions and Urban Public Health. 

Seeker offers expert's projects in nursing, sustenance, biomedical research center administration, bookkeeping, training, discourse dialect pathology and all the aesthetic sciences, in addition to various quickened and propelled testament programs. Capable understudies from around the globe apply to Hunter's expert's projects in the expressive arts, including exploratory writing, studio workmanship, coordinated media expressions and playwriting. 

Seeker turned into a PhD-giving organization in 2008, when it was approved to offer, mutually with the CUNY Graduate Center, doctoral degrees in science, natural chemistry, and material science. Seeker is additionally home to incredibly famous exploration focuses, including the Center for Translational and Basic Research (CTBR), the Center for Puerto Rican Studies (Centro), and the Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging and Longevity. 

Seeker understudies are firmly dedicated to advanced education. More than half hold employments and more than a third are the first in their families to go to school, and regardless of the difficulties they confront, their level of scholastic accomplishment is to a great degree high. Numerous go ahead to top proficient and graduate projects, winning Fulbright grants, Mellon cooperations, National Institutes of Health awards, and other recognized respects. 

Seeker graduates make an imprint wherever they go, however most by far give back locally. On the off chance that you go over an essential craftsman, creator, instructor, open authority, wellbeing proficient, specialist, researcher, or social-administration proficient in New York City, there's a decent risk that individual went to Hunter. 

The accomplishment of Hunter understudies is to a great extent because of the devotion and ability of the Hunter workforce. With more than 1,800 full-and low maintenance individuals, the workforce is for all intents and purposes unparalleled in its broadness of grant and creative accomplishment. A large portion of the country's top researchers are attracted to Hunter by its different and exceptionally connected with understudy body, by the plenitude of scholarly assets in New York, and by continually developing open doors for instructing and research. At Hunter, they get prestigious national awards, add to the world's driving scholarly diaries, and assume significant parts in bleeding edge research. They are battling growth, detailing open arrangement, improving our way of life, propelling innovation, and the sky is the limit from there. 

Individuals from the Hunter personnel are remarkable tutors, counsels, instructors and class pioneers. By putting a high need on the classroom, and by giving chances to students to take part in their examination, individuals from the staff are passing their aptitudes and learning on to the up and coming era of researchers, open hirelings, craftsmen, attendants, social specialists, human services experts, educators and connected with subjects of the world. 

Talking from the White House on January 9, 2014, as he respected a Hunter understudy who had overcome affliction and shown incredible scholastic accomplishment, President Barack Obama called Hunter "one of the best schools in the nation." 

We welcome you to investigate the Hunter College site to get a more extensive taste of all Hunter brings to the table. What's more, we want to see you on grounds soon. 

Scholastics at Hunter College 

Seeker College's scholarly projects cover more than a hundred fields going from youth instruction and humanities to nursing, urban undertakings, ladies' studies, and Arabic. Mentally energizing and thorough, grounded in strong scholastic custom however completely outfitted to the 21st century, these projects get ready understudies for graduate and expert school, for a large group of callings, and for the rich, beneficial existence of the informed native. 

A completely licensed establishment of advanced education, we offer educational module prompting the four year certification in liberal arts, single man of expressive arts, lone wolf of music, four year certification in scientific studies, expert of expressions, expert of expressive arts, expert of music, expert of non-intrusive treatment, expert of general wellbeing, expert of science, expert of science in training, and ace of social work degrees. We likewise offer various quickened (BA/MA, BS/MA, and so on.) degrees and also propelled testament programs. A few CUNY doctoral projects are based at Hunter. 


The Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies is an interdisciplinary system in the School of Arts and Sciences. The educational modules of the office, which offers courses in the humanities and sociologies, is committed to the investigation and examination of the history and society of two legacies: the legacy of African individuals in the Americas, the Caribbean, and Africa; the legacy of Puerto Ricans; and the more extensive Latino involvement in the United States. The multidisciplinary educational programs and the duality of legacies make the structure of the office extraordinary and its curricular offerings testing. Where it is appropriate, the similitudes and encounters of the two social orders are stressed be that as it may, as a rule, the educational programs regards the two successions as particular elements endeavoring to offer understudies of all foundations an option way to deal with the common Eurocentric point of view. 

The Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies - History, Mission, and Philosophy 

The Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies (earlier Black and Puerto Rican Studies) was set up in 1969 after Black and Puerto Rican understudies consolidated their battle to have courses in respect to their encounters and societies offered at Hunter College. Their exertion was a piece of the bigger notable Black started and drove "Social liberties" or "Flexibility" Movement in the United States. 

In New York, the reestablished feeling of group and culture was fortified by patriot conclusions of Puerto Ricans who moved to the city frequently contrary to the U.S. colonization on the island. Dark and Latino understudies shaped an assortment of associations that worked with different portions of their groups. Additionally, the sit-ins and captures of the mid 1960s prompted the voter enrollment of the late 1960s, as activists started to appreciate the more profound monetary and political ramifications of the development they had started. 

By 1968-69, African American and Latino groups were scrutinizing the absence of comprehensiveness and pertinence of what their kids were realizing in school, and upbraiding the low quality of guideline. They got to be persuaded of the requirement for bilingual training, an educational modules that incorporated their recorded and social encounters, and group control of the primary schools. At the college level, understudy battles brought about the making of bureaus of Black, Chicano, and Puerto Rican examines, which were staffed by researchers in different orders (history, political science, brain research, human studies, humanism, financial matters, training, dialects and written works) who shared the dedication to a racially and ethnically just society. 

An energy about the dissident soul of the 1960s and 1970s to social equity issues is crucial to a comprehension of the logic, goals, and mission of the Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies at Hunter College. In New York City in 1968-69, coalitions of African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and numerous others all through CUNY requested, picketed, sat-in, and assumed control grounds to make people in general mindful of the way that the University, which had been built up to serve the city's common laborers over a century prior, was reneging on its main goal. Their battle was to change the organization in three basic ranges that would advantage both CUNY and the city. 

Open Admissions (i.e., an ensured position in the CUNY framework for each NYC open secondary school graduate who needed a school instruction) 

Scholarly and guiding backing for low salary understudies, to make their fantasy of a school instruction a reality 

Dark and Puerto Rican thinks about divisions, to give incredible educational module and instructing in the humanities and sociologies, as they related to the African and Puerto Rican diasporic groups 

In the spring of 1969, far reaching support for an understudy strike constrained Hunter College to shut down before the semester's end, and in the fall of 1969 the Department of Black and Puerto Rican Studies was set up, alongside the Academic Skills (SEEK) remediation program. From these beginnings we acquired an imperative legacy and a one of a kind command. Our legacy is characterized by the battle against prohibition in the institute and the country. The office's joined spotlight on Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino studies is one of a kind in the country. This center underscores a promise to the command to change the educational programs and destinations of advanced education by adding to another order that joins the point of view of the avoided "other", and by manufacturing joins between the College and the groups we concentrate on. 

The office has been at the cutting edge of the advancement of Africana Studies and Puerto Rican Studies since its starting. The late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, a researcher in Pan-African history and the chief student of history of the Africana Studies Movement, was the primary African-American procured in the office. Dr. Clarke (later Professor Emeritus), whom understudies

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